Category Archives: Article

Sites you may not know about

Here’s a bunch of interesting sites to fuck around with. You might find something valuable here for something.

Tired of reading news articles that cut you off and try to get a subscription out of you to continue reading? Like the NY Times or the Economists? Check out this site to see if they can get you past the paywall to read the entire article.

The first pirate website in the world to provide mass and public access to tens of millions of research papers.

Library Genesis is a file-sharing based shadow library website for scholarly journal articles, academic and general-interest books, images, comics, audiobooks, and magazines. The site enables free access to content that is otherwise paywalled or not digitized elsewhere. This from Wikipedia.

Another site with the deal. Check it out and see if there is real deals here Can’t hurt, right?

Now this site is a keeper. I don’t think you can find a simpler way to transfer any kind of file. Just drag and drop a file to the front page and it gives you a link to send to someone who can then download it without sending it as an attachment.

The Engineering ToolBox
Free tools and information for engineering and design of technical applications. There may be one or two of you out there that can find a use for the info here. Still an interesting site though.

Do you need to glue something to something else? This site will tell you what you need to make it stick. We didn’t actually know that we needed something like this until we found it. So the Internet is useful after all. Who knew?

Here’s another useful site for figuring out your family’s history. Operated by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons). They’re big on this kind of thing. But if the Mormons give you the hebe jebe’s you might want to move on. So far, I don’t see any about giving them money, but we’ll see.

Analyze suspicious files and URLs to detect types of malware, automatically share them with the security community. I haven’t used this site yet, but it might come in handy with amount of spam in my email box.

This site records lightning strikes world wide. Kind of an esoteric experience if you live in a strike zone.

This is a website with a crouton on it. I guess there needs to be one somewhere. The .com address is still available if you want it.

Yes, here it is. You can finally see when you will shuffle off this mortal coil. I’m scheduled to depart in a couple of years. Bummer.

Just like it says it is, it counts words and it will help with your grammar. Might come in handy if you’re not just an illiterate slob.

Guides for all kinds of stuff. This looks very interesting, but I haven’t had a lot of time to explore it yet. Saving it for a rainy day. Here’s an link for useful websites.

This is right off the front page of the site. If you’re looking to retire, hide from the law, on fixed income, or just need to find a new place to live that you can afford, start here.

Numbeo is the world’s largest cost of living database. Numbeo is also a crowd-sourced global database of quality of life informations including housing indicators, perceived crime rates, and quality of healthcare, among many other statistics.

Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk win contracts for spacecraft to land NASA astronauts on the moon

Dynetics also was awarded a chance to be part of the effort to get humans to the lunar surface by 2024

NASA on Thursday awarded three companies contracts to build spacecraft capable of landing humans on the moon, sparking a new space race that NASA hopes will propel the United States back to the lunar surface for the first time since 1972.

Blue Origin, the space outfit owned by Jeff Bezos; Dynetics, a subsidiary of Leidos, a Reston, Va.-based information technology firm; and Elon Musk’s SpaceX won contracts, giving NASA three options that would compete against each other as NASA scrambles to meet an ambitious White House mandate to put humans on the moon by 2024. (Bezos owns The Washington Post.)

Boeing, typically among NASA’s key contractors but whose space program has experienced multiple setbacks and delays, also submitted a bid but was not selected.

Read the article at Washington Post

Investing in Bitcoin? The Current Crisis Underlines the Importance of Bitcoin

by Dominik Stroukal — Economics Expert at SatoshiLabs

Disclaimer: This is an opinion piece that expresses a point of view of the author and not an investment recommendation. We are providing a space to share the knowledge and information needed for self-education and critical thinking.

Governments and central banks are stronger than before. The system becomes more fragile and dangerous. And that’s exactly when it makes sense to buy bitcoin. Bitcoin is a hedge against the system.

Covid-19, the new coronavirus hit us much harder than the mortgage market collapse and subsequent financial dominoes in 2008. And governments and central banks have taken more drastic measures to support the economy. The borders were closed, citizens are being surveilled, companies are being nationalized, money is being given out, central banks are pumping liquidity into banks, and they are buying up everything they see.

Read more here

How to Get Started With Raspberry Pi

Six years ago, a single-board computer came on the market and changed the game for tinkerers and DIYers. The Raspberry Pi is a dream machine for all kinds of projects—gaming consoles, home streaming, VPN servers, and beyond—but the first step is gathering up your supplies and learning the basics. If you’re building something with the Pi, start here.

Read the article here

Why Lightning Payments Aren’t Clicking for Porn Companies (Just Yet)

Bitcoin may finally achieve broader traction through the adult entertainment industry in 2020, but the chips aren’t stacked in its favor.

So far, typical sex industry businesses like London’s 23 Paul Street strip club, said in June the venue stopped accepting bitcoin because customers simply weren’t paying with it. But the lightning network, a layer on top of bitcoin used for faster transactions with lower fees, may now be ready to facilitate broader payments for online platforms.

Read more here

How to build a Bitcoin Lightning node for just $150

Do you want money YOU can send instantaneously to anyone, anywhere in the world? Here’s how you can do so.

By Tim Copeland

Bitcoin is the future of money, they say. And we’re not doubting that. But, while the Bitcoin network is great at making large payments that don’t need to be settled quickly, it’s too expensive for making everyday, small payments.

Enter the Lightning Network: a second-layer solution built on top of the Bitcoin network that allows anyone to send bitcoin to each other instantly, for near-zero fees. But to use Lightning, you need to have a Lightning node. And sure, you could use a custodial solution to connect to the network, where somebody else makes the Lightning payment on your behalf. You could put your trust in third-party manufacturers and buy a ready-made Lightning node like the Casa Node. But what’s the fun in that?

There’s a much better way—for your self-sovereignity and your budget.

Read the entire article here

Can Smell-O-Vision Save VR?

Consumers have been slow to purchase VR headsets, largely due to price and limited content. But several start-ups are making devices that will give people a whiff of the virtual world.

Smell-O-Vision was introduced at the 1939 World’s Fair in New York City. Created by a Swiss inventor named Hans Laube, it piped a variety of scents through a network of tiny tubes to individual seats in a movie theater. Needless to say, Smell-O-Vision wafted into oblivion.

Read the entire article here

The Oculus Quest is getting controller-free hand tracking this week

Oculus is rolling out native hand tracking to the Quest, its standalone virtual reality headset, starting this week. Previously expected to arrive sometime in 2020, hand tracking will be available as an experimental feature in software version “v12” in the coming days. Once this update is installed, you can turn on hand tracking in the “Experimental Features” menu. Then, you can switch between Touch controllers and hand tracking with a toggle switch in the Oculus Home menu.

Read the entire article here

Then check out Voyeur Monkey VR

20 Best TV Shows of 2019

From metaphysical quandaries to white nationalism, religion to romance, awkward adolescences to fraught marriages, the year’s best series covered all the bases

U.S. Fed weighs up potential CBDC as countermove against China

Where just a handful of years ago, the idea would have been immediately dismissed or even met with ridicule, the United States Federal Reserve is now taking the concept of an official dollar stablecoin seriously.

Markets have heard more frequent guidance from the Fed on cryptocurrencies in recent years, and thanks to two curious U.S. representatives — French Hill and Bill Foster — this guidance now includes an enlightening response from Fed Chairman Jay Powell to their letter on a central bank digital currency, or CBDC.

Read the entire article here

How Well Do You Know Your Data?

Businesses today are collecting more data than ever before related to their companies and how they operate. But do we really understand all this information? And, are we making the data work for us? As 2019 rapidly comes to a close, now is a good time to pause and evaluate the data your business is collecting, how it’s being used and to gauge your ROI. Digging into those numbers now can help ensure your business is more profitable and efficient going forward.

Read entire article here

‘Ford v Ferrari’ Review: Damon, Bale and the Need for Speed

Matt Damon and Christian Bale on the set of Twentieth Century Fox’s FORD V FERRARI.

Vroom! You can feel the power thrumming under James Mangold’s Ford v Ferrari — and that’s a shock because this thunderously exciting true story is based on a stuffy business proposition. Back in the 1960s, Henry Ford II (Tracy Letts) determined to beat Enzo Ferrari (Remo Girone) at his own game by building a hot, fast race car — the GT40 — that could win the 24 Hours of Le Mans, pitting American crass against Italian class.

Read this review at Rolling Stone magazine