Category Archives: Article

Investing in Bitcoin? The Current Crisis Underlines the Importance of Bitcoin

by Dominik Stroukal — Economics Expert at SatoshiLabs

Disclaimer: This is an opinion piece that expresses a point of view of the author and not an investment recommendation. We are providing a space to share the knowledge and information needed for self-education and critical thinking.

Governments and central banks are stronger than before. The system becomes more fragile and dangerous. And that’s exactly when it makes sense to buy bitcoin. Bitcoin is a hedge against the system.

Covid-19, the new coronavirus hit us much harder than the mortgage market collapse and subsequent financial dominoes in 2008. And governments and central banks have taken more drastic measures to support the economy. The borders were closed, citizens are being surveilled, companies are being nationalized, money is being given out, central banks are pumping liquidity into banks, and they are buying up everything they see.

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How to Get Started With Raspberry Pi

Six years ago, a single-board computer came on the market and changed the game for tinkerers and DIYers. The Raspberry Pi is a dream machine for all kinds of projects—gaming consoles, home streaming, VPN servers, and beyond—but the first step is gathering up your supplies and learning the basics. If you’re building something with the Pi, start here.

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