Pavel Durov, founder and CEO of major encrypted messenger Telegram, argues that Apple’s cloud service iCloud is “now officially a surveillance tool.”
How to build a Bitcoin Lightning node for just $150
Do you want money YOU can send instantaneously to anyone, anywhere in the world? Here’s how you can do so.
Bitcoin is the future of money, they say. And we’re not doubting that. But, while the Bitcoin network is great at making large payments that don’t need to be settled quickly, it’s too expensive for making everyday, small payments.
Enter the Lightning Network: a second-layer solution built on top of the Bitcoin network that allows anyone to send bitcoin to each other instantly, for near-zero fees. But to use Lightning, you need to have a Lightning node. And sure, you could use a custodial solution to connect to the network, where somebody else makes the Lightning payment on your behalf. You could put your trust in third-party manufacturers and buy a ready-made Lightning node like the Casa Node. But what’s the fun in that?
There’s a much better way—for your self-sovereignity and your budget.
The Oculus Quest is getting controller-free hand tracking this week
Oculus is rolling out native hand tracking to the Quest, its standalone virtual reality headset, starting this week. Previously expected to arrive sometime in 2020, hand tracking will be available as an experimental feature in software version “v12” in the coming days. Once this update is installed, you can turn on hand tracking in the “Experimental Features” menu. Then, you can switch between Touch controllers and hand tracking with a toggle switch in the Oculus Home menu.
Then check out Voyeur Monkey VR